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Early Assessment

Every case is different, but years of experience have shown that one thing remains constant: the earlier you consult an attorney, the better your chances for a positive outcome. I have spent years defending professionals who have been accused of ethical or professional violations. Often their first instinct is to try and defend themselves, in order to clear up the situation as soon as possible. Soon, however, they find that the proceeding has taken on a life of its own, and they end up on the defensive. You can easily end up doing yourself more harm than good. Consulting an attorney early on in the investigation will ensure that all your options and defenses remain available.

No-Obligation Case Consultation

I offer a no-obligation consultation for anyone who has been accused of a violation of their profession's code of conduct, or believes they may be accused of one. This is not just a 30 minute phone call; instead I will take the time to hear the whole story and get all the relevant information to allow me your question: “what are my chances?”  Additionally, I will come up with a proposed plan of action that will give you a good idea of what will be in store for you, and your possible options.

What to Expect

When you come to me for a no-obligation consultation, there are a few things that you can expect. First, I need enough information to see how a third-party could interpret your actions. I may request you provide me with any correspondence that you have had with your profession's governing body about any conduct that led to the allegations of wrongdoing. I may request a fully confidential written narrative of your story, and any documents that may be important to the case, such as medical records. All this information will allow me to more effectively determine the possible outcomes in your case.

Once I have analyzed the information you provide, we will be able to work together to come up with a proposed plan of action. This plan of action will cover what you can expect to happen going forward, what any hearing may be like, and finally, a likely outcome to your case. After leaving your consultation, I want you to be confident that you are in good hands, and have had all your questions and concerns addressed.

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